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I’m Dakota, a Wilmington, NC-based photographer helping engaged couples feel comfortable in front of the camera and creative businesses grow with purposeful brand imagery.

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Fall 2019 Senior Spokesmodels | Downtown Wilmington, NC

November 14, 2018

Starting my senior spokesmodel team was one of the best things I have ever done.

Not only do I have a group of girls who love my business but they are also really fun to spend time with. When applications roll in at the beginning of the year, I have the hardest time selecting the best possible women to join my team. We spend a lot of time together throughout the year so they have to mesh with my personality but also each others!

After my 2018 team, I wasn’t sure if I would find another group of high school ladies who I would click with as much as I did with them…then in walks the 2019 team.

I love them. So much.

They wanted to do a fall shoot with all of the bright colors of the changing trees (and we loooove fall clothes), so they drove down to my house in Wilmington, NC for an afternoon of wandering around downtown and hanging out with each other.

Honestly, my favorite part of the entire day was the first 45 minutes when we were waiting for everyone to arrive when I got to just hang out in my living room with them. We laughed about things our moms do and talked about college life. We joked about dumb clothing trends and where they wanted to go for their individual sessions. 

The photos are great but the friendships are the reason I love working with my spokesmodels.

I can’t wait for our reunion shoot Thanksgiving weekend when both of my teams will be together, but for now enjoy these perfectly fall photos of my #dakotaherseyseniors 2019 spokesmodel team!! 


I’m Dakota, a Wilmington, NC-based photographer Helping engaged couples feel comfortable in front of the camera and creative businesses grow with purposeful brand imagery.

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